Why I always use Google Apps (G Suite) for my teams

November 2, 2016

Email system is crucial at any business. It’s a necessity. It sounds simple and we often take it for granted. I’m a big advocate of keep my email system as a managed service – i.e. managed by another company who specialize in that area. Here are the reasons why:

This is not a simple Do-It-Yourself project

Thinking of running your own email server? Think again. Setting up an email system is not as simple as it sounds. There are so many complex things you need to configure that affect the success rate of your emails getting delivered to the recipient.

For example: SPF, DKIM, SenderID, and Reverse DNS setup.

This is not a part-time job

Email, like any other communication infrastructure, is essential to your business’ success. It is crucial for your business to have a reliable email system.

Running your own email server means you’ll be responsible for software updates, backups, compliancy with regulations, and reliability of the email server. You’ll have to constantly monitor the email server for errors and issues then fix them promptly at the risk of losing emails.

Don’t miss opportunities because you “didn’t receive the calendar invite or email”.

Ryan Harijanto

Head of Engineering. Former Sr. Engineer @Netflix , @HotelTonight , @Shutterstock. Previously a Senior Systems Engineer at Netflix, currently technology advisor and board member for emerging companies. Diverse technological knowledge and understanding of various industries.

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